Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Speech (8/28pm)

Oh What a Night!

I danced...I cried...I celebrated....and I thanked God for the night!

Wherever you were....wherever you watched the speech...I'm sure you felt
the electricity of this historic event. August 28, 2008 will go down in
history as the day a son of America...a son of color....led this country
toward a new day. To quote Governor Kaine (from his speech that night)
we 'told the mountain to MOVE!' We have truly come this far by faith!

Oh What a Night!

This past week has been such a special time for me and I have enjoyed
sharing brief notes with you! I've seen a who's who of politicians,
journalists, and celebrities. But, mostly I saw hard working people who
care about our country and are ready for a change.

Here are some of my personal highlights from the week:

1. Sunday -- the celebration of all of our major civil rights
organizations. Each organization had their leader(s) speak.
The celebration was followed by a concert with the soulful Frankie Beverly and Maze (I never miss a concert!) As is typical of a Maze concert, EVERYONE was up dancing. I enjoyed dancing in the aisle with my brother Carlton, who lives in Denver. We don't see each
other much and for me, it was a great way to kick off convention week! Dancing with us....Maxine Waters, Tavis Smiley, and Antonio Villaraigosa.

2. Monday -- walking into Pepsi Center. It became real to me as I saw
the state signs. I sat with my state delegation and met a wonderful woman
named Susan. Susan had been a Hillary supporter, but she is 100% for
Obama now. We sat together each night at Pepsi Center....enjoyed the
speeches, and...well here I go again...we danced to great music! And...we
were thrilled with Michelle's speech!

3. Tuesday -- I went to the faith caucus where a well-regarded panel of
faith leaders discussed the challenges of combining faith with politics.
This is an area I sometimes struggle with, so it was refreshing to hear
the political issues of today discussed from a faith perspective.

4. Wednesday -- the roll call vote and the suspension of the vote by
Hillary Clinton was suspenseful and rewarding. Talk about a catharsis! At
the California delegation party that night I danced to old school music
and even did the salsa with my Latino friends including Dolores Huerta--
the well-known Latina activist who had nominated Hillary Clinton. We were

5. Thursday -- the crowd...the music....the speakers...and THE SPEECH!
Yes...I was a dancing fool again...especially with Stevie's 'Signed,
Sealed, and Delivered' the Obama anthem!!

I'm home now..... resting my feet!! Jose Medina posted our pictures (300) on his Facebook sign in and look for Jose Medina of Riverside.

Getting ready to continue my campaign work! Can't wait for Inauguration

It's Official (8/28 am)

Last night I cried tears of joy as Barack Obama became our ‘official’ nominee! It’s been such a long road…especially for those of us involved in the campaign on a daily basis. I think all would agree that the Primary process was long and ‘dramatic’ (to say the least).

Last night, many were still on the edge of their seats wondering what the roll call vote would produce. We knew that Obama’s nomination was inevitable, however we have known this for many months and it didn’t seem to make any difference -- there was always another hurdle for him to jump over on his way to the nomination.

Many wondered why our California delegation passed during the roll call. It definitely added to the suspense! The ‘official’ reason we received this morning was that there were alternate delegates on the floor whom had not voted. However….we all know the goal during the roll call was to give our nominee the most votes possible from each state. Enough said.

There was pandemonium when Hillary Clinton suspended the vote! As an Obama delegate, I can tell you we’ve waited a long time for this! She was gracious, and we finally felt united as a party.

Once Obama was certified as the nominee, the emotions poured forth from many of us. Personally, I am so thankful to see this in my lifetime, but I couldn’t help to think of my dad and uncles who were talented and capable, however limited because of the color of their skin. I thought of the stories I’ve heard of my great-great grandfather who was lynched because he had the ‘audacity’ to run for office in Louisiana and would not take his name off the ballot.

WE know what this moment means. WE know the significance of the speech that will be made tonight on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech. WE know about dreams!

Tonight we will celebrate for those who did not live to see this. It was their blood, hard work, and perseverance that made this night possible.

Tonight we will celebrate for our children and the opportunities that await them. Never again should they say “I Can’t.”

Tonight we will celebrate for America…finally the promise of our great country….the promise of all men being created equal… is being delivered!

Tonight we will celebrate and tomorrow we will get to work…doing ALL we can to elect President Barack Obama.

The Vote (from 8/27)

The excitement is building!! Tonight we will hear from Bill Clinton and Joe Biden. I expect they both will give a rousing speech!

There will also be some kind of roll call vote tonight.... probably not all of the states, however at least as far as Colorado...which means California will get a verbal vote. We had ballots at breakfast this I already voted. Some of the Clinton delegates are meeting this afternoon to discuss how to proceed with their votes.

The bottom line is -- Barack Obama will 'officially' be the Democratic nominee for President after tonight! We can hardly wait for the acceptance speech tomorrow.

It is exciting being a part of this process.....there are many countries where this cannot happen!

I thought Hillary Clinton's speech was great! You know...for every speaker they pass out signs for us to hold up. Sometimes it gets confusing and I'm sure I have held up the wrong sign many times. Also, I have held them up upside down :) Oh well! The funny thing is....they went through a lot of effort to make this a 'green' convention and yet there are lots and lots of SIGNS!! People are keeping their signs as souvenirs. Lot's of heavy luggage when we return!

I'm off to the Pepsi Center early because it will be crowded!!

Thanks to all who text me when you see me on TV. There are cameras everywhere and I'm trying hard not to embarrass you all :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Inside the Pepsi Center

Finally...I made it inside the Pepsi Center! It is fun meeting new folk from around the country.

We are united...regardless of what you are seeing in the press! There are lots of protesters (not sure what they're protesting) We just keep moving from event to event. It's no different than being on a college campus with protesters.... I sort of like it (as long as the protests are non-violent). It reminds us of the freedoms we have in this country.

I must say however, the area around the Pepsi Center is on lockdown....MUCH security...and as Forrest Gump would say: "That's all I'm going to say about that!"

You all know I support Barack Obama because of his policies and what he stands for....I would support him if he were brown, white, or purple! an African-American woman I was proud to see Michelle as our prospective first lady! Not just because she is Barack's wife...but because of her own accomplishments! As a black woman I thought of all we must endure to succeed....all of the slights because of our skin color....always having to be BETTER! It's been a long road...but we have endured! America has endured and we have indeed come a long way!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Getting A Front Row View of History

They are calling this the most historic convention in U.S. history! The story least the story being reported on the "Will the first viable African-American candidate, and the first viable woman candidate, be able to unify their party?"

The view from the ground....where I one of people who are in a celebratory mode, and happy to be in Denver. There doesn't seem to be a lot of dissention, but then we haven't voted yet. Still....I expect things to go great....Democrats realize the eyes of the nation are on us!

As a first time delegate, I'm trying to attend as many events as possible....however, there is just too much to do.....panel discussions, caucuses, book signings, luncheons, and parties! This is a 24/7 event!

Everywhere I look are familiar faces...politicians, reporters, name it! No one stands out here because there are so many famous faces. The guy you chat with in the elevator might be a congressman. The woman on the shuttle next to you might be an actress. And, every other person here is a member of the press!

Our California delegation is the largest and most diverse of all the states here. We're staying in the same hotel as the other large delegation--New York. Our delegation has a morning breakfast and other group activities coming up later in the week. And, we will all be sitting together in the Pepsi Center.

Aah..the Pepsi Center....I've seen it on TV, but haven't been in there yet. Tonight is when the official proceedings begin. The biggest question is whether ailing Senator Ted Kennedy will actually appear or be seen on tape. Either way I'm sure he will get a rousing reception from us.

There are several speeches planned for tonight and I will be there for them all. I do realize what an honor it is to be here representing my area. In my life story this will be a biggie.

There are more Clinton supporters in our delegation than Obama supporters but I think things will go fine. The majority want victory in November.

And...what will I be doing after the official proceedings are over tonight? Dancing of course!

But, for now, I'm off to the Pepsi Center....