Netroots is an organization in transition! I've seen this corporations and in community organization views itself as one thing when in reality it is another.
There's an identity crisis going on here in Austin at the Netroots Nation Conference. Even Howard Dean is confused. Last night at his keynote he concluded by talking about passing the baton to a new generation of leaders...younger people. The reality, OR MORE of the people here are over 35, and there is A LOT of gray hair at this convention! However, I understand Dean's confusion, as I wrote previously, I too thought this would be a convention of young twenty-somethings. WRONG!
The other identity crisis is that many here believe they speak for the masses. WRONG AGAIN! The masses aren't concerned with FISA votes, impeaching Bush, or arresting Rove. They're more concerned with buying gas and food.
I tried to make the point several times today-- if we are to win elections this year we had better be in tune with what is happening in our communities! Families are under assault financially!
Many times today, as I attended various sessions and panel discussions, I've felt they don't really GET IT here....they may be technically savvy.... however they are having the same arguments that the left and right have been having for years....they just do it over the net.
Perhaps, one day, Netroots Nation will include more voices from 'the silent majority' who are sick of labels, and us versus them, and the SOS. This is the real radical movement that's coming....
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