Thursday, January 8, 2009

The People's Business

I voted for change, and so did most of the people around me. Here in Western Riverside County California, we have been hit hard by the economic crisis – with some of the highest foreclosure and unemployment rates in the country. We want change and we want it now!

Not just change in the office of the Presidency, but also a change in the tone and behavior of our government leaders. We are sick of partisan politics and finger-pointing. We have no use for pundits and politicians—many of whom are totally out-of-touch with everyday Americans—giving us the same old buzz words, labels, and spin.

We want action. We want to move forward. We want a new game plan. We want solutions.

Barack Obama is a smart guy who has a good grasp of our current situation in America. We have given him the ball and we need to let him run with it.

He is doing the people’s business and Congress needs to get on board or get out of the way.

We voted for change.

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