Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Follow the Money" -- Tracking Stimulus Spending

Recently, I joined ethnic media representatives from Southern California at a workshop designed to teach ethnic journalists how to track and investigate Recovery Act spending.

The event, called “The Stimulus Package and the Recession” was co-hosted by New America Media and Investigative Reporters and Editors.

This was timely for me, as I have been attempting to track stimulus funding in the Inland area. I have read about specific actions that claimed to have used stimulus funds – such as saving teacher jobs in Corona, and funding summer youth jobs in Riverside, however, I’ve had a hard time determining who decides how funds are spent, and how much goes to various geographic areas.

Our first presenter was Jennifer LaFleur, the Director of Computer Assisted Reporting with ProPublica a non-profit organization that bills itself as an “independent newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.”

Jennifer introduced us to several tracking databases on the ProPublica site which track Recovery Act money, including a database with spending by state and county. She stated that one of the first findings when researchers analyzed the data, is that “there is no relationship between where Stimulus funds are spent, and where there are areas of high unemployment and poverty.”

So what are the determining factors for spending the $787 Billion dollars in the Recovery Act? Who determines how funds are spent?

I think that summer youth employment programs and saving teacher jobs are good uses of stimulus funds..but still I questioned: “How is spending determined and where do I find this information?

Jennifer suggested several online recovery databases created by the Administration, various agencies, and state governments. Some are more complete than others, and most only give top level information.

Another tip from Jennifer is --when all else fails--simply google the word Recovery after the agency or locale name. (I thinks she means “recovery act.” I googled Riverside Recovery and got a listing of substance abuse centers…however, when I googled Riverside Recovery Act -- I was led to a page on the city’s website with a summary of Recovery Act funding by categories.)

I’m still not sure who decides how the funds are to be distributed, but at least I can “assume” that the funding listing under Workforce Training is for the summer youth program (or can I?).

Food Stamps or Economic Development?

Next up, Jean Ross from the California Budget Project reminded us of the goal of the Recovery Act when it was enacted. “Let’s remember the purpose of the stimulus, “she said. “The goal was to jump start the economy by moving money to people as quickly as possible.” She suggested the purpose of the stimulus was not to remake society, but to get the economy moving. She stated the bill had “no specific policy goals.”

Diego Alvarez, Deputy Mayor for Legislative and Intergovernmental Relations for the City of Los Angeles, said there are many federal programs that were expanded as the result of the Recovery Act…such as the Food Stamp Program, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and unemployment benefits. “Many eligible people just aren't applying” he stated, suggesting “people might be embarrassed to apply or just don’t know they are now eligible.”

The ethnic journalists, who represented, Latino, Asian, Caribbean, and African-American communities in Southern California, were especially interested in learning ways to track stimulus spending in their respective areas.

Kokayi Kwa Jitahid, from the Community Coalition of South LA, said the questions he hears from residents of South LA concern economic development and health care. “The needs in our community are great,” he said, as he discussed the desire for Recovery Act dollars to reach the empty lots and struggling health clinics of his community.

Jean Ross stated the “the biggest chunk of the stimulus money, almost one-third, is going directly to the people” citing a government study that determined the best way to get the money moving is “to give it to a poor person.” Diego agreed saying the two highest returns on investment are funds spend on unemployment and food stamps, “For every $1.00 you spend on these programs, you get $1.73 back into the economy.”

Ruben Guerra, Chairman and CEO of the Latin Business Association, took issue with the way Recovery Act contracts are awarded. He said small businesses are not being included. He described an effort by California State Senator Gil Cedillo to create a resolution requiring 25% of stimulus funding to go to small business.

Another issue of paramount concern in a state with high unemployment rates is jobs. Nick Sifuentes, from the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LANNE) said his organization is monitoring “quality of jobs, not just the quantity.” He talked of the need for ‘job accountability’ to make sure newly created jobs aren’t temporary or low end in terms of pay..

Perhaps the understatement of the day came from Guerra who said the stimulus bill “didn’t shift the paradigm” for ethnic communities. We must still fight for our piece of the pie.

Sarah Binder of the Brookings Institution, an expert on how government responds to financial crisis, summed it up back in February in an interview with NPR:

"Because there is so much money here, and in so many different forms, there is no single pathway for the money to go out to states and localities…When this bill passes, a Niagara Falls of money will flow out of Washington and into the accounts of state highway commissioners, governors and legislatures, local school boards, county executives — even mayors."

Even with the best of intentions, the Recovery Act seems destined to leave ethnic communities behind unless they can access the funding. To do that, we have to know where to look.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Don't Make Me Have to Put Down My Cane"

Seniors are getting a little fed up with not being taken seriously. They are ready to march and protest…just like in the sixties! Senior voices WILL be heard!

Check out this story of Senior protest in Los Angeles:

Police were called on a group of retirees who refused to leave Sen. Dianne Feinstein's West Los Angeles office until she talked to them about health care reform.

Los Angeles police Sergeant Rich Brunson said Thursday that police lured the group of seven outside somehow, then locked the building's doors behind them.

Brunson had said earlier that eight people were being taken into custody, but corrected himself after getting new details from officers on the scene.

A spokeswoman for the 55- to 87-year-old activists said they arrived at Feinstein's office around noon and remained in her conference room more than six hours.

Feinstein spokesman Gil Duran says staff offered the retirees an in-person meeting with the senator during a Los Angeles visit next week but that they demanded to speak with her immediately.

Bet there will be a lot more of this in the months and years to come!

For more visit the blog Grayroots Showing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ethnic Media Call for Immigration Reform

This editorial was written by and produced in association with New America Media (, a national association of ethnic media, and was published by ethnic media across the country to bring attention to the urgency of immigration reform.

The White House and members of Congress must move quickly on enacting a just and humane immigration reform package that will reunite families, reinvigorate the economy, and remove the term “illegal or undocumented immigrants” from the dialogue in this country. Ethnic media, which reaches over 60 million adults in the United States, calls on Congress to move decisively on immigration reform because there are few issues as important to the nation's well-being as an overhaul of the inefficient, inhumane and economically debilitating immigration system. More importantly, we are also urging our readers and viewers to contact their Senators and Congressmen and let them know that immigration reform must be a national priority.

The immigration system is broken not just for 12 million undocumented immigrants, but also for specialized workers blocked from joining the American economy because of narrow quotas, and mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens who must wait for years before being reunited with their families.

Our nation needs comprehensive immigration policies that will replace a broken system of raids and roundups with one that protects all workers from exploitation, improves America's security and builds strong communities. It’s time to end the division between workers, which has allowed big business to exploit both sides. Clearly, working-class citizens and immigrant workers have much in common – dreams of better homes, education for their families and quality healthcare. There is more that brings us together, than separates us. United we can be a strong force for change, changes that that bring more workforce safety and humane conditions.

Immigration is often portrayed as an explosive, divisive issue. In reality it's not. Since the repeal of the national origins quota system in 1965, which discriminated against certain immigrants, a consensus has been building towards an immigration system that respects the country's core values. These include economic opportunity, equality under the law regardless of ethnic background, and an embrace of the world's most innovative, energetic and ambitious workers.

Now, with the country facing serious competition from workers abroad, it's more important than ever to create a world-class immigration system. It's good for families, good for communities and good for America.

New America Media, Commentary, Staff

Monday, June 8, 2009

Too Much? Obama Tackles Health Care

Those who say the President is taking on too much, remind me of a group of parents from my kid's school a few years back. They complained that the third grade teachers were assigning too much homework because they expected the students to spend at least 20 minutes a night completing assigned work. Of course, these same parents were concerned with reading and math levels at the school, and some even suggested that foreign-born students were bringing the scores down!

There comes a time when you have to get your priorities straight! With my parents, 'too much homework' would have been an oxymoron! Homework came before all other activities and I was expected to complete it...even if I had to stay up late on occasion (of course, this was usually when I left some work to the last minute...I got punished a lot for this :)

Telling the Obama administration to not tackle our health care problem, is like telling a drowning man to stop trying to get his head above water!

Health care challenges are 'killing us' literally and figuratively. Every family is either struggling with this problem, will be struggling with this problem, or knows someone who is.

We can't afford to get sick, and the American economy can't afford for us to get sick... the way the health care industry currently operates.

Money being spent on escalating health care costs, can't be spent in retail establishments, at car dealerships, for college education, to pay mortgages and debt, to buy gas, ...or most importantly, SAVED!

Doing nothing and watching millions more Americans give up on trying to pay for health care, will only cost us more in the future as they show up at hospital emergency rooms.

I am wondering....who are these people opposing health care reform?

Surely not American families who can't afford rising premiums, deductibles, and co-pays.

Surely not employers who are also faced with escalating costs to insure workers.

Surely not the unemployed who are praying for a job before their COBRA runs out (if they can afford COBRA.)

And, surely not our aging boomers and seniors, some of whom have to choose between food and medicine.

Even with everything on his plate, President Obama has to reform health care to prevent an America full of sick and bankrupt citizens.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One Hundred Days of Hope: Go Back to School

(first published April 29)

Our President tells us to go back to school.
He tells our children to FINISH high school and continue on with college or vocational training.

In his February 24, 2009 address to the Joint Session of Congress, President Obama stated:

…we must address is the urgent need to expand the promise of education in America. In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a pre-requisite.

Right now, three-quarters of the fastest-growing occupations require more than a high school diploma. And yet, just over half of our citizens have that level of education. We have one of the highest high school dropout rates of any industrialized nation. And half of the students who begin college never finish.

This is a prescription for economic decline, because we know the countries that out-teach us today will out-compete us tomorrow. That is why it will be the goal of this administration to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competitive education – from the day they are born to the day they begin a career.

The President went on to remind us of our responsibility as parents to “open the doors of opportunity for our children.” Citing his own experience as a dad, he reminded parents they must:

  • attend parent/teacher conferences
  • help with homework after dinner
  • turn off the TV if necessary
  • put away the video games, and
  • read to their children.

Obama has challenged all Americans “to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training.” The President’s goal is by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.

Start studying and tell your children what President Obama says: “….dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country – and this country needs and values the talents of every American.”

Linnie Frank Bailey

Friday, May 1, 2009

One Hundred Days of Hope: PLEASE Fix Healthcare!

This President hopes to go where no President has gone before….he hopes to fix our broken health care system.

If you’ve ever gone to one medical establishment, and seen one
doctor, and subsequently received 40 bills from ten providers….then you know the system is broken.

If your health insurance premium is more than half your mortgage or rent …then you know the system is broken.

If you have to decide between medicine and food…then you know the system is broken.

Guess what? Our health care system is broken!

One of the primary causes of bankruptcy in this country is huge medical expenses, and most Americans are only a slip and fall, or car accident, away from financial insolvency…even if they HAVE medical insurance. Let’s hope this Administration can tackle this behemoth once and for all and allow many Americans to rest better at night.

So what is the Obama-Biden plan in a nutshell?

  1. Americans can keep their current insurance if they are happy with it. Nothing will change and premiums may drop about $2500 according to the Administration’s site www. However, new options will be available.
  2. For Americans that lack insurance, there will be a National Health Insurance Exchangeaffordable private insurance options, as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress. with
  3. Providers will be required to cover pre-existing conditions when you sign up for new coverage.
  4. Small Businesses (which provide most of the employee-sponsored coverage in this country) will receive a Tax Credit to help provide affordable health insurance to their employees.
  5. There will be caps on malpractice insurance fees charged to doctors.
  6. The cost of medicines will be lowered by allowing the importation of safe medicines from other developed countries.
  7. Catastrophic illness costs will be reduced for employers and their employees.
  8. There will be lower costs for businesses by covering a portion of the catastrophic health fees they pay. In return, they must lower premiums for employees.

There’s more (visit the site) including making use of technology to streamline medical record keeping and supporting preventative illness measures. (The Administration hopes these measures will help defray the cost of health care reform).

The bottom line is WE ALL need affordable health care and we can no longer bury our head in the sand. Everyone has a vested interest in making this work. Providers want to make a profit, employers want to stay in business, and we the people want affordable coverage for our families and ourselves.

The question is—given the aging of the boomer population, and increasing health care costs—can the country afford to not go forward with Obama’s health care reform?

Linnie Frank Bailey

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One Hundred Days of Hope: Barack Obama - Man or Messiah?

This week we join journalists, pundits, leaders, and citizens who are reflecting on the first one hundred days of the Obama Presidency. This week’s blogs will discuss how the Administration’s policies will affect everyday Americans in the following areas: Healthcare, Education, Jobs, and Housing.

However, today we address the criticisms so often hurled against Obama supporters by those who oppose the Administration. These oft-repeated barbs include “kool-aid drinkers sheep” and, the most frequent, which says supporters believe Obama is the second coming! The venom espoused by some of the President’s critics leads one to think if he did walk on water they would complain about his shoes!

As a person of faith, I can assure you that true believers KNOW who their Savior is, and it is not a mortal man. What Obama does offer is a return to the hope for a better tomorrow, and a unity in purpose, that has been the cornerstone of America for many years. It is a sentiment expressed by many of the nation’s Presidents:

George Washington – “The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.”

Abraham Lincoln – “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt “We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.”

Harry S. Truman – “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”

John F. Kennedy – “The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.”

Ronald Reagan – “There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.”

William J. Clinton – “Big things are expected of us, and nothing big ever came of being small.”

Barack Obama –“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

One hundred days of HOPE -- patriotism at home, respect from abroad, intelligence and truth in action, ambition and forward movement to meet our challenges…not a bad start for a mere man.

Linnie Frank Bailey

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Life's Better than Your Life

What if folks told the truth on their online posts? We would read things like: “Can’t pay my mortgage this month… My wife left me for a younger guy…. My kid can barely tie his shoes and probably won’t be going to college… I haven’t had a date in three years…. I’ve gained fifty pounds since you last saw me….That beach vacation photo was really just sand in my backyard…”

The truth hurts and who wants to be depressed with real life? We get enough doom and gloom from the media. So, instead we get people painting the best possible light on their activities, which isn’t a bad thing…except it seems to become a competition to show who has the best life….the best activities…the best connections…the best family….you name it.

This is human nature and we all do it…however, with Social Media (SM) sites we have more of a chance to “put our best foot forward” than we would with the annual Christmas Newsletter. We can put our own “spin” on our lives no matter how inaccurate, misleading, or nauseating our posts become.

I am as guilty of this as anyone…. I once posted and shared pictures of a “wonderful” family vacation. I didn’t mention the numerous times I threatened to throw my kids out of the car, or that I didn’t speak to my husband for 200 miles because of his refusal to get gas before the low fuel light comes on.

Still…I would rather read positive posts, than negative ones. And, there is always the option to filter out “silliness.” Problems arise when people start comparing their lives to others based on posts. If someone inspires you, that’s one thing…but if you decide to do something based on what others are posting, it may be a mistake.

Many times, you have to take things with a grain of salt. Strip off some of the accolades and exaggerations. Know that everyone has challenges…but be thankful that most choose not to write about them!

Linnie Frank Bailey

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friends and Other Strangers

Can a person really have too many friends? I mean come on now…why only have a hundred friends when you can have a thousand or ten thousand. And, if friends aren’t good enough for you, how about fans? Your own private fan club!

Social Media (SM) sites have taken the meaning of “friend” to a different level. “Friending” someone on one of these sites means they have the opportunity to know more about your daily life than people you have been close to for years.

Sometimes I wish there was a different term used for these online connections. I worry that some people—the gullible and the young—might confuse their online contacts with real-life friends.

This is a quandary because most of us do converse with our “real” friends online and have also met people on the sites who became real-life friends…normally because of shared interests. However, there comes a point where there has to be some filtering of what we say and whom we say it to.

I’m sure there are sociologists studying online “friending” (at least I hope so). I remember my parents cautioning long ago: “You may not want to be friends with everyone who wants to be your friend.” The same applies on the Internet and it works both ways…not everyone wants to be friends with us!

I think we have reached a point with today’s technology where we have to assume that any post, blog, email, phone conversation, location, or picture—is available to the public. A public that consists of friends, foes, acquaintances, and strangers.

There is no hiding. Even if you are at a far away locale, sitting on a beach alone, someone can take your picture and post it for the world to see. And, what about those hundreds of people you “friend” on various sites that read your posts and know everything about you—from where you went to elementary school to your brand of toothpaste?

Celebrities aren’t the only ones who lose privacy these days: Everybody is a star!

Linnie Frank Bailey

Monday, April 20, 2009

Social Media or Social Malaise

I have friends who refuse to use Facebook or any of the so-called Social Media (SM) sites. They don’t twitter or tweet, and could care less about being linked in. If they “dig” something, they don’t feel compelled to tell the world about it.

I have other friends who spend hours each day posting to the SM sites. They share EVERYTHING with their SM “friends.” If they are at an amusement park with their kids, they give hourly updates….they share pictures of their root canal…they let us know when they are about to go to bed….it goes on and on to the point I wonder when do these folk LIVE?

I guess like most people I am somewhere in between when it comes to posting – however, I do wonder where we as a society are going with all of this?

Don’t get me wrong…I LOVE reading the posts of family members and friends I don’t talk to on a regular basis. Even those “friends” who post every thirty minutes, often have something informative to say…the question is do I have time to read it?

Here’s the deal --- who has the time to keep up with the daily activities of over 10 people (Octomom included)! I can barely keep up with the activities of my own household!

I sometimes don’t know how to respond to posts or what to think….if a “friend” who has been married for years posts that they are single, does it mean they are separated, divorced, or in the middle of a nasty fight with their spouse? Or are they just looking for a new love? (More on this in a later post this week.) And, if an unmarried friend says they are no longer single, does it mean they got hitched in Vegas over the weekend, or they got a cat? (Yes, some of my “friends” are that strange.)

How often do you use SM sites?

The next few blogs I’m going to explore this phenomenon … Some of my upcoming posts:

“Friends and Other Strangers”

“My Life’s Better Than Your Life”

“What Part of ‘married and not looking’ Don’t You Understand?


“If I Reply to This Post You Will Never Speak to Me Again!”

Stay tuned and send comments….

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Deck of Cards and Thou

I recently taught my 10-yr-old how to play Gin Rummy. It didn't take her long to get the hang of it and beat ME! Now she wants to play every chance we get. Yesterday, she spent a couple of hours playing Gin with my Mom -- which took me back to my own childhood. I remember one summer many years ago when my Mom was pregnant and on bed rest. We spent hours every day playing Gin.

Sometimes when my daughter and I are playing, my 18-year-old will tear himself away from his computer screen and join us for a few rounds.

It is amazing that with all the techno gadgets these kids have, they can still have fun with a deck of cards.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dancing in the Dark I'm starting to get a little tired of all the bad news. It took the mainstream media forever to recognize the severity of our economic downturn, and how it is affecting everyday people, but now it seems they won't stop until they depress the hell out of Americans. The headlines on our economic malaise are staggering and can make one wonder why we bother to get out of the bed in the morning. Don't get me wrong...the reality IS bad...but sometimes we've got to DANCE IN THE DARK!

Dancing in the dark means we keep going...we keep laughing, we keep sharing, we keep moving...with ATTITUDE-- even though we can't see what's ahead. It means keeping that stupid smile on your face in spite of obstacles and challenges -- that's what I do -- ask my friends.

When is the last time you've danced? Get moving! Find some dance mates...inspirational people who won't bog you down with their drama or negativity. Get moving! Put on an old tune or find a dance song on the radio or video channel. Get moving! Dance like nobody's in the dark!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You -- A Tent City

I pray this frightening prospect -- tent cities all over America -- doesn't come to pass. A recent story in the British national daily newspaper The Daily Mail reported on: The credit crunch tent city which has returned to haunt America.

Has it come to this in America? We know there are people living in cars and shelters. And...a rung up...there are many, many more living with family or friends. To these people, affordable housing means more than affording the mortgage on a 3000 square foot house. They are in survival mode...hustling for food, shelter, and transportation.

Now granted, we have always had a 'tent' city population of substance abusers, the mentally ill, and chronically unemployed.... but today we are seeing more working-class, AND middle-class families join their ranks. No doubt some of the people in these situations are too proud to request help from loved ones.

I sincerely believe the country will move past these hard times...we always do. However, there will be some painful lessons along the way. There will also be numerous opportunities to GIVE to those in need -- whether they ask us or not.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Homeless Students

A current story 'Tidal wave' of homeless students hits schools discusses a plight I was first made aware of by a Jr. High administrator a couple of years ago. This person told me that there were a number of homeless kids at the school and that the numbers were growing.

At the local elementary school, which is in a neighborhood that for many years was considered upper middle-class, a teacher recently told me she has never seen such 'upheaval' among the students in the neighborhood....families who have been at the school for years moving out, others moving in, enrolling their children, and then taking them out a few months later when they leave the friend or relative they were staying with.

This is where we are in many communities across the country because of the dismal economy. There are no easy solutions. The problem is compounded by the fact that many who are struggling are quiet about it. I'm not sure government alone can solve this problem. Our local communities and residents will have to get involved. The problem many cases....these are the very people who are struggling...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hallelujah Anyway

Lesson One: “Hallelujah Anyway”

"....for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. "
Philippians 4:11-13

Paul tells us we can find joy regardless of the circumstances. We learn thankfulness by holding on to Christ.

Whatever challenges or concerns we may have, if we examine our circumstance we will find related blessings. Use the Hallelujah Anyway chart below to document your blessings.

For example....perhaps you are having problems on the job. Of course, given today's economic turmoil, a related blessing is that you HAVE a job.

Hallelujah Anyway Chart (pdf)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yes Virginia...People Really Are Homeless

People are discussing the older woman at the President's Florida town hall who spoke of living in her vehicle. CNN reports the Ft. Myers woman, Henrietta Hughes, has received offers of support after publicly disclosing her plight. A website, -- has been established to coordinate efforts to help her and her son, who reportedly lost his job and their home.

Some Republican pundits and bloggers are accusing her of being a plant, which is funny considering their own use of 'Joe the Plumber.' The really scary thing is there are still people in this country who don't understand the growing problem of homelessness in America. They don't understand that many middle-class Americans are one payday away from living in their car.

They just don't get it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Witnessing the Unbelievable

The monuments along the National Mall seemed to be bigger and brighter during Inauguration Week. As a matter of fact, everything in D.C. shone brighter. I’ve spent a lot of time in the city over the years – I lived there for a decade and visit often. I’ve also spent untold hours in the mall area at the monuments and the museums. However, I must say…this last week was different…dare I say special!

There was a buzz everywhere—people of all ages and races were excited about our new President—Barack Obama. I first noticed the buzz at Ontario Airport. It followed me to Denver and Newark Airports. It was also with me on a train from Newark to D.C. There was joy on the faces of the many travelers going to D.C. for the Inauguration. Complete strangers spoke of their excitement at witnessing history. And…when my daughter and I arrived at Union Station in D.C., the halls were ablaze with decorations and travelers from all over the country. Walking out of the door and seeing the lit Capitol Dome was a sight I will never forget.

The buzz continued the next few days through parties, presentations, concerts, dances, and the main event itself. Everywhere there was pride, joy, and hope. And, in one of the most surprising statistics I have ever heard….with over two million on the mall on Inauguration Day….there were ZERO arrests!

One of the most precious parts of my journey was traveling with my ten-year-old daughter and being with her as we witnessed history. In addition to the ceremonies, I will never forget our visit to the Smithsonian’s American History Museum. There were three exhibits where my emotions got the best of me and I ‘lost it.’

The first was the slavery exhibit…seeing pictures of black men with lashes brought it home for me. The second was the Nelson Mandela exhibit, and I was glad that he lived to see this after all he endured. Finally, we visited the ‘First Lady Ball Gowns’ section and at the end there are photographs of every first lady. I wasn’t expecting it because this was before the swearing-in day, but the last picture was of Michelle Obama! My tears flowed.

I still can’t believe it! Every time I hear a newscaster stay ‘President Obama' I stop dead in my tracks and thank the Lord. I remember getting caught in the crowds when leaving the swearing-in. We were lodged near a fence and some of the people suggested tearing the fence down…”No!” shouted many of the young people in the crowd. “That’s not Barack’s way!” It’s a new day America.

What a time…what a time…

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Andria Hall -- Rest in Peace

It was with great personal sadness that I learned of the passing of Andria Hall. Although Andria and I pursued different paths the past few years, my memories of her are dear and lasting.

We shared many good times and laughed often...and this is what I will remember. And then there is This Far by Faith...the book that was the culmination of our friendship! I could not have written that book with anyone else but her, and I am glad God brought us together for that project and the Circle of Seven Prayer organization which continues.

The one thing I am sure of is...Andria's faith was strong....always has been. I also know she was welcomed with open arms into His kingdom. She was talented, passionate, and creative. She will be remembered....

Our prayers and thoughts are with the Sizemore and Hall families.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The People's Business

I voted for change, and so did most of the people around me. Here in Western Riverside County California, we have been hit hard by the economic crisis – with some of the highest foreclosure and unemployment rates in the country. We want change and we want it now!

Not just change in the office of the Presidency, but also a change in the tone and behavior of our government leaders. We are sick of partisan politics and finger-pointing. We have no use for pundits and politicians—many of whom are totally out-of-touch with everyday Americans—giving us the same old buzz words, labels, and spin.

We want action. We want to move forward. We want a new game plan. We want solutions.

Barack Obama is a smart guy who has a good grasp of our current situation in America. We have given him the ball and we need to let him run with it.

He is doing the people’s business and Congress needs to get on board or get out of the way.

We voted for change.