Monday, March 2, 2009

Homeless Students

A current story 'Tidal wave' of homeless students hits schools discusses a plight I was first made aware of by a Jr. High administrator a couple of years ago. This person told me that there were a number of homeless kids at the school and that the numbers were growing.

At the local elementary school, which is in a neighborhood that for many years was considered upper middle-class, a teacher recently told me she has never seen such 'upheaval' among the students in the neighborhood....families who have been at the school for years moving out, others moving in, enrolling their children, and then taking them out a few months later when they leave the friend or relative they were staying with.

This is where we are in many communities across the country because of the dismal economy. There are no easy solutions. The problem is compounded by the fact that many who are struggling are quiet about it. I'm not sure government alone can solve this problem. Our local communities and residents will have to get involved. The problem many cases....these are the very people who are struggling...

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