Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Let's Get This Out of the Way

Let’s review the arguments against President Obama and DISMISS THEM!

1. "He has no White House experience."

This is true, Obama does not have a father, spouse, or sibling who was president, so it's probably safe to say he hasn't spent a lot of time at the White House. There are probably foreign nationals and lobbyists who have spent more time at the White House than Obama.

2. "He has no presidential campaign experience."

Also true. Obama has not squandered the hopes and dreams of millions of voters by running an ineffective campaign and losing to a candidate that should have been easily beaten. (TWICE!)

3. "He has not planned this, he is just 'seizing the moment.'"

Yes he is! This is what great American leaders do. (Think Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, King)

4. "He has a 'political machine' behind him."

True again. However, the people pushing Obama to the forefront are not the political operatives and pundits we've seen for years. His 'machine' consists of vast numbers of people, many on the Internet, who have not given up on America and see him as the best of the candidates for president.

5. "We don't know much about him."

Maybe. However, his record is there if we take the time to look at it. He's written books and spilled his guts about his background. He came out against the war in the beginning, and not when it was politically beneficial to do so. He graduated from Harvard Law School, and again I don't think he had a father, or spouse, or sibling paving the way for him. He's a great orator who inspires people. (we'll never forget THE SPEECH at the last Democratic convention.) He was a community organizer in tough Chicago neighborhoods. If you need more...TAKE the TIME to listen, and visit his website:


One more thing....how much did we 'really' know about our last two presidents?

"Leadership is a combination of strategy and character. If you must be without one, be without the strategy."

Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkop

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What THEY Don't Know

The pollsters and pundits are scratching their heads. For decades THEY have ‘called the shots’ on U.S. elections. THEY tell us who our leading candidates are, and who will win elections. THEY gather in groups of two and four in television studios in New York and Washington, where they yell at each other and make ‘predictions’ based on their ‘secret’ knowledge of the voting habits of the American populace.

Who are these knuckle-heads? THEY don’t know me, my neighbors, or my community. THEY don’t know the people of the world. THEY just know their small circle of pundits, pollsters, and politicians.

Now, THEY are trying to get a grip on what is going on with this election. In the meantime, THEY play the same game they have played for years…racial politics (black vs. white), gender politics (women vs. men), geographic politics (red states vs. blue states), class politics (poor vs. rich), sexual identity politics (gay vs. straight), age politics (young vs. old), population politics (urban vs. rural), and religion politics (believers vs. non-believers.) This is how elections have been written about and debated for years. This is old media and old tactics.

What THEY don’t know is…it’s a new day. Communication to and from Americans is no longer only in the hands of a select few. The Internet has leveled the playing field. We can talk to each other and discuss the issues THEY gloss over with spin and cutesy remarks.

So THEY continue to play old politics while trying to figure out what is going on. THEY still want to tell us who our front runner is. THEY still want to tell us we are either liberal or conservative. THEY still want to tell us what we believe. THEY still want to tell us how we’ll vote.

What THEY don’t know is…this is just the beginning. This is not a Youtube movement…it is a people’s movement. We are again moving toward government by the people…for the people. THEY need to get out of the way.