Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Political Evangelism

This past Sunday, at the evangelical megachurch I attend, the Pastor threw
out a line during his sermon about how he "loves Sarah Palin!" I thought
it was inappropriate and unfortunate that the Pastor felt comfortable
enough to say this.

My first thought was....he has received the Republican talking points and
evangelical churches across the nation are going to build this woman up in
the weeks ahead. This is how they got Bush elected.....using these
suburban megachurches to push their agenda!!

My second thought was....people are losing jobs (and houses)....
food, fuel, tuition, and health care costs are taking a MAJOR bite out
of family budgets...and the Republicans offer us the distraction of
Sarah Palin's personal life.

And the real question I MUST ask as an Evangelical Christian
myself....when are Evangelicals going to realize that they serve God and
not the Republican Party????

Linnie Frank Bailey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your website after researching candidates for RCCD board elections. I'm impressed with your site and also your the credentials. I also agree with your statement Christians are the servents of God, not any particular political party. Without the context of your pastor's comment I can only assume he "loves Sarah Palin" because her positions most closely matches that of our Lord then the other three candidates.