Tuesday, September 9, 2008

People I HAD to Thank at the DNC -- Roland Martin

This is the second in my series of people I HAD to personally say thank-you to at the Democratic National Convention. Today I spotlight CNN's Roland Martin...commentator extraordinaire!

Roland S. Martin is an award winning writer, speaker, producer, radio show host, blogger, and commentator! This brother does it all -- with class, and grace, and a dose of that 'Old Time Religion' that has carried our people through many challenges in America.

Thankfully, CNN had the foresight to see what this brother could offer. He brings to the table wisdom and fairness and a needed perspective as an African-American male. Never has this been more needed that during this election process. Martin carried the torch and represented 'our' point of view against partisan heavyweights such as Begalia and Carville.

Roland Martin does not let up and he tells it like it is! Here is an excerpt from one of his recent blogs concerning McCains running mate:

With Palin, McCain now supports affirmative action/quotas
August 30th, 2008

"I’ll have more to say on this later, but please, give me a break? Does Sen. John McCain actually think he chose the most qualified - or even the second, third or fourth - person to be his vice president? Sarah Palin may be the governor of Alaska, but prior to that, she was the mayor of a 10,000-person town. This was all about being a woman. McCain knows it and we know it."

THANK YOU ROLAND MARTIN! Your voice is needed....keep up the great work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.