Monday, August 25, 2008

Getting A Front Row View of History

They are calling this the most historic convention in U.S. history! The story least the story being reported on the "Will the first viable African-American candidate, and the first viable woman candidate, be able to unify their party?"

The view from the ground....where I one of people who are in a celebratory mode, and happy to be in Denver. There doesn't seem to be a lot of dissention, but then we haven't voted yet. Still....I expect things to go great....Democrats realize the eyes of the nation are on us!

As a first time delegate, I'm trying to attend as many events as possible....however, there is just too much to do.....panel discussions, caucuses, book signings, luncheons, and parties! This is a 24/7 event!

Everywhere I look are familiar faces...politicians, reporters, name it! No one stands out here because there are so many famous faces. The guy you chat with in the elevator might be a congressman. The woman on the shuttle next to you might be an actress. And, every other person here is a member of the press!

Our California delegation is the largest and most diverse of all the states here. We're staying in the same hotel as the other large delegation--New York. Our delegation has a morning breakfast and other group activities coming up later in the week. And, we will all be sitting together in the Pepsi Center.

Aah..the Pepsi Center....I've seen it on TV, but haven't been in there yet. Tonight is when the official proceedings begin. The biggest question is whether ailing Senator Ted Kennedy will actually appear or be seen on tape. Either way I'm sure he will get a rousing reception from us.

There are several speeches planned for tonight and I will be there for them all. I do realize what an honor it is to be here representing my area. In my life story this will be a biggie.

There are more Clinton supporters in our delegation than Obama supporters but I think things will go fine. The majority want victory in November.

And...what will I be doing after the official proceedings are over tonight? Dancing of course!

But, for now, I'm off to the Pepsi Center....

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