"What a Week" -- Major Supreme Court Rulings, Senate Passes Immigration Reform, Obama and family in Africa.
Supreme Rulings
The Voting Rights Act (from 1965) was gutted and southern states quickly reacted to suppress the minority vote. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California's Prop 8 were struck down and gay marriages immediately resumed in California.
Nan Aron, President of The Alliance for Justice, got it exactly right with her HuffPo piece: "The Supreme Court Takes With One Hand, Gives With the Other."
Says Ms. Aron:
"It's been a bittersweet week in the Supreme Court. On the one hand, the Court's decisions on same-sex marriage left many of us profoundly hopeful, while its voting rights opinion was deeply disappointing. By simultaneously moving in opposite directions on fundamental principles of civil rights, this Court has torn a hole in our political fabric, and once again left the nation part equal and part unequal." Read MoreBefore the ink had settled on the Voting Rights ruling, Republicans in Texas got busy. From The CS Monitor:
"Shortly after the decision on Tuesday, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced that the state’s new voter ID law would immediately take effect. He also said that the state’s challenged redistricting maps “may” also take effect without prior approval from Washington." Read More
Supporters of voting rights, such as Democratic Strategist Donna Brazile, are calling on Congress to restore provisions of the act. However, even Ms. Brazile realizes this will be difficult given the current climate in Washington. From her CNN op-ed: "Congress Give us new Voting Rights Act,"
"Don't expect the conservative-controlled House of Representatives to jump at the chance though. Just last year, during the 2012 election cycle, Republican elected officials in states across the country pushed deeply hostile voter ID laws that disproportionately limit minority voters. Sometimes, the Republicans were even explicit that the purpose of these laws was to put victories in the "R" column. And all that took place with a full and complete Voting Rights Act still on the books." Read More
In brighter news... with the decisions on DOMA and Prop 8, weddings are free to resume in those states which allow gay marriage. As a matter of fact, two of the plaintiffs in the historic ruling--Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, from Berkeley, were the first to be married with California Attorney General Kamala Harris officiating.
Btw.......Did Chris Christie just lose 2016 with this stance on gay marriage?
"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) blasted the Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act, calling it "wrong." Read More"Maybe this is his stance going into the GOP primaries (which depend on the right-wing vote) however, should he become the Presidential candidate I predict he will "see the light" on this issue.
Will the Immigration Bill be Stalled?
The Senate passed a bi-partisan immigration bill this week, now it goes to the House. President Obama has called on Congress to pass the bill before their August recess. (We talked about this likely STALL in our post from week 20.)Student Loan Rates set to Double
Rates on new student loans will DOUBLE on Monday. Still, no action from Congress to prevent this.**********************
A Look Back at Week 22 - 2009:
(Excerpts from my blog National Scene -- Week 22)
National Scene 6/24-6/30/2009
By Linnie Frank Bailey
As the first half of the year ends, the Administration can look back on significant efforts to get America back on track, including -- an economic stimulus, a revamped energy policy, the beginnings of health care reform, and a new approach to international relations. Moreover, the following legislation has been passed and signed by President Barack Obama in 2009:
1. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act – (fair pay for women) Signed: January 29, 2009
2. Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act –(continue state program SCHIP) Signed: February 4, 2009
3. DTV Delay Act – (delayed implementation of digital TV until June 2009) Signed: February 11, 2009
4. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – (major economic stimulus bill) Signed: February 17, 2009
5. Small Business Act Temporary Extension – (temporarily extends SBA programs) Signed: March 20, 2009
6. Omnibus Public Lands Management Act – (public land conservation) Signed: March 30, 2009
7. Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act – (increases and manages community service programs and funding) Signed: April 21, 2009
8. Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act – (steps to end mortgage fraud and predatory lending) Signed: May 20, 2009
9. Helping Families Save Their Homes Act – (steps to prevent foreclosures and rewrite mortgage loans) Signed: May 20, 2009
10. Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act – (defense procurement reform) Signed: May 22, 2009
11. Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 – (consumer credit protection) Signed: May 22, 2009
12. Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act – (steps to prevent children and teens from smoking) Signed: June 22, 2009...Read More on Week 22, 2009 -- Immigration Reform...Pell Grants Extended...FAFSA Simplified
And Finally.....back to 2013:
The Obamas in Africa:
Watch and Listen -- an eloquent narrative by the First Lady.