Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dancing in the Dark I'm starting to get a little tired of all the bad news. It took the mainstream media forever to recognize the severity of our economic downturn, and how it is affecting everyday people, but now it seems they won't stop until they depress the hell out of Americans. The headlines on our economic malaise are staggering and can make one wonder why we bother to get out of the bed in the morning. Don't get me wrong...the reality IS bad...but sometimes we've got to DANCE IN THE DARK!

Dancing in the dark means we keep going...we keep laughing, we keep sharing, we keep moving...with ATTITUDE-- even though we can't see what's ahead. It means keeping that stupid smile on your face in spite of obstacles and challenges -- that's what I do -- ask my friends.

When is the last time you've danced? Get moving! Find some dance mates...inspirational people who won't bog you down with their drama or negativity. Get moving! Put on an old tune or find a dance song on the radio or video channel. Get moving! Dance like nobody's in the dark!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You -- A Tent City

I pray this frightening prospect -- tent cities all over America -- doesn't come to pass. A recent story in the British national daily newspaper The Daily Mail reported on: The credit crunch tent city which has returned to haunt America.

Has it come to this in America? We know there are people living in cars and shelters. And...a rung up...there are many, many more living with family or friends. To these people, affordable housing means more than affording the mortgage on a 3000 square foot house. They are in survival mode...hustling for food, shelter, and transportation.

Now granted, we have always had a 'tent' city population of substance abusers, the mentally ill, and chronically unemployed.... but today we are seeing more working-class, AND middle-class families join their ranks. No doubt some of the people in these situations are too proud to request help from loved ones.

I sincerely believe the country will move past these hard times...we always do. However, there will be some painful lessons along the way. There will also be numerous opportunities to GIVE to those in need -- whether they ask us or not.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Homeless Students

A current story 'Tidal wave' of homeless students hits schools discusses a plight I was first made aware of by a Jr. High administrator a couple of years ago. This person told me that there were a number of homeless kids at the school and that the numbers were growing.

At the local elementary school, which is in a neighborhood that for many years was considered upper middle-class, a teacher recently told me she has never seen such 'upheaval' among the students in the neighborhood....families who have been at the school for years moving out, others moving in, enrolling their children, and then taking them out a few months later when they leave the friend or relative they were staying with.

This is where we are in many communities across the country because of the dismal economy. There are no easy solutions. The problem is compounded by the fact that many who are struggling are quiet about it. I'm not sure government alone can solve this problem. Our local communities and residents will have to get involved. The problem many cases....these are the very people who are struggling...