Recently, a friend of of the moms from the park...shared her family's wrenching story of trying to make ends meet...."Hard Times Mean Leaner Thanksgiving."
In this online article, my friend Bridget, a mother of four young children, describes the economic toll on her family since her husband lost his job. She told of selling furnishings...including her dining room meet monthly expenses.
Some of the comments on the article have not been kind and she relayed to me her surprise. It seems there are a lot of people who want to judge and throw stones. However, I told her to rest assured...she speaks for many who are in similar financial binds but will not voice it publicly.
This recession (or depression) is hitting the middle class and upper middle class hard. Our area in Riverside County has unemployment around 10% and many empty houses. Some say we are ground zero for the mortgage mess. Our small businesses are suffering and our upscale shopping center is near default. Many in our communities are shell-shocked.
I applaud Bridget for expressing the frustration so many families are feeling, and describing the extreme measures some must undertake to pay the bills.
Someone has to speak the truth.