Saturday, November 22, 2008

Abandoned Kids

The state of Nebraska recently amended their law offering safe havens for abandoned kids. It seems the original law, although intended for infants, didn't have age restrictions and parents were leaving older kids and teens.

I say they should have left the law in tact. If a parent is desperate enough to abandon their kid, that child should not be in the home with the parent. I know economically times are tough, and any parent of a teen occasionally thinks of taking them on a long, long ride and dropping them off...however, the majority of parents will not do this. For most parents, if finances leave them eating pet food...their kids are going to be right there with them.

So why would a parent abandon a child...emotional or financial or discipline reasons probably. This signals the parent and the child needs help.

The law should have stayed as it was to identify these children. Now they are lost and at the mercy of parents at the end of their rope.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This Is It....

"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you!" Matthew 17:20

After all the phone calls...donations...knocking on doors...trying to convince friends, family, and co-workers....wondering if people saw what we saw.....pulling our hair out over dirty tricks and naysayers....

This is it..... the day we vote to put America back on track! The day we vote for one of the greatest candidates America has been blessed with....

This is's been a long road...but also a worthy road!

This is it....