In the movie Family Man, Nicholas Cage plays a man who is magically transported from his life as a rich financial tycoon, to the life he would have led if he had married his college sweetheart. Even though he is initially taken aback by the trappings of family life — kids, mortgages, and minivans, he comes to treasure the relationships with his wife and kids and realizes what he has missed.
It’s a lesson for all of us. Sometimes we get so caught up in making money and buying things, that we lose track of the important things in life. We think we’re working hard for our family, when in reality all they want is our love and our time. We strive for the “rich life” without defining what it really is.
Contrary to popular opinion, living the rich life has nothing to do with where you live, what you drive, or the clothes you wear. It’s not about how much money is in your bank account, where you go on vacation, how famous you are, or how many people are in your address book. Everyone has their own opinion, but for me people are rich if they have:
A romantic partner to share life with.
A child to love or watch grow, whether their own or not.
Health enough to take a long walk.
Friends of all ages and from all walks of life.
Supportive family members.
A cause, a hobby, or a career to feel passionately about.
And, the ability to cast worries aside and have fun every now and then!
That’s my list. What about yours? Could it be that you’re living a rich life and don’t realize it? Or are you living a fake life and thinking you‘re rich? It’s never to late to take the appropriate steps to get our lives in order.