We have indeed come a long way in America, and I hope that my own daughter, and little girls of all races, KNOW that they can run for office. They see the possibilities and this is good. I have no doubt that we will one day have a female president…but, when we do, I hope that she wins because she is the best PERSON for the job, and not because she is a woman. I hope this woman rises to the top on her OWN accord, without depending on the record of a spouse, or dad, or brother. I also hope she ‘stands for something’ other than getting elected.
One day we will have a woman candidate for president who reflects the values of the American people, and stands strong on her convictions. We will know her policies because she will tell us. She will be confident, but not smug….strategic, but not crafty….smart, but not condescending. She’s coming! She’s not here yet…but, she’s coming!
I am encouraged by the strength and the confidence I see among the young women and girls of today. Even my own daughter has been known to show her toughness when necessary. Recently, after being picked on by a male classmate at school, she didn’t run crying to the playground supervisor, instead she reminded him, “I have a foot and I’m not afraid to use it!” This is the kind of PERSON I want for president!
It goes without saying, I support Barack Obama for president. Not because he is black, not because he went to Harvard, not because he can dance…but, because he is the BEST PERSON running in terms of intellect, judgment, and character. Also, he “has a foot, and isn’t afraid to use it!”